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Maintenance: Playboy-limit
There is a cap on child support for very high earners, the so-called “playboy-limit”. What does it mean and who does it apply on?
Child vaccination
What if parents cannot agree on a vaccination for their child? What is the legal situation in Austria regarding childhood vaccination?
Visitation rights: Enforcement
A magic word in proceedings concerning custody and contact rights is attachment tolerance. Attachment tolerance means the ability of a parent to recognize that it is important for the children to maintain contact and a relationship with the other parent. If a parent’s attachment tolerance is denied (by experts), this

25 MedienG; § 5 ECG; § 25 DSG)

Entrepreneur / Service Provider / Media Owner:
Kainz Kamp Rechtsanwälte:innen OG
Company registration number: 582931 b, company register of the Commercial Court Vienna
Address: Lederergasse 22/3, 1080 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: + 43 1 346 08 03
Seat: political municipality of Vienna
Sales tax identification number:

Object of the company: Practice of the legal profession
ADVM code: P 112183

Applicable regulations / professional law (excerpt):
Lawyers’ Act (RAO)
Disciplinary statute for lawyers and trainee lawyers (DSt)
Guidelines for exercising the legal profession and for monitoring the duties of lawyers and trainee lawyers (RL-BA)
Trainee Attorney Education Guideline (RL-RAA)
Bar Examination Act (RAPG)
Attorney Tariff Act (RATG)
General fee criteria (AHK)
Rules of Procedure of the Austrian Bar Association (Geo-ÖRAK)

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