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BLOG & Legal Tips

Who actually pays for the private school?
Especially after a separation, one parent sometimes wants  private school for the child more than the other.. It is often about who actually has to bear the additional costs for a private school. From a legal point of view, the main issue is child maintenance.
(Psychological) violence in custody and contact proceedings
Even when there is violence in the family, issues such as custodx and contact rights must be discussed.
When things can´t continue in a marriage… what you can do legally
Marriage is a contract and binds both parties. There are various options for dissolving the marriage. Find out which option is best in a specific case here.
Basic information on child maintenance: Who pays it and how much?
Child support is a topic that often leads to arguments becuase there are many misunderstandings surrounding the topic.
Marriage contracts and the Austrian Supreme Court (OGH)
Marriage in itself is a contract. With a prenuptial agreement, you can at least have a say in what is written in the contract.
Open marriage?
From time to time, people want to agree sexual freedom in a marriage contract, but what is the legal situation?
#Picsoritdidnthappen- or what evidence goes to court in a divorce?
Unless a divorce is imminent, the preservation of evidence and documentation is usually not a core interest within a marriage. But what can you do to put yourself in a good position if a lawsuit with your now unloved better half seems unavoidable?
Division of assets in a marriage or cohabitation
What happens when the romance wears off and the partner’s generosity suddenly has limits and at some point it may even be a question of separation or divorce? Who has access to the supposedly joint money?