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Your lawyers for a fresh start.

We support you with your divorce.

Your lawyers for a fresh start.

We support you with your divorce.

Lawyers for Family Law in Vienna

In familiären Konfliktsituationen bieten wir kompetente und effiziente Unterstützung. Unser vorrangiges Ziel ist die Erreichung einvernehmlicher Lösungen, die für alle Parteien akzeptabel sind. Ist jedoch eine Einigung nicht greifbar, verteidigen wir Ihre Rechte, die Ihrer Kinder und Ihr Wohl vor Gericht. Freundlich im Ton, hart in der Sache.

Scheidungsanwalt Wien – Ihre vertrauenswürdigen Partner

Konflikte in der Familie können besonders belastend sein. Wir verstehen Ihre Anliegen und stehen Ihnen zur Seite. Als erfahrene Scheidungsanwälte in Wien begleiten wir Sie durch den Prozess und setzen uns für Ihre Interessen ein. Ganz gleich, ob es um Scheidung, Aufteilung des Vermögens, Obsorge oder Unterhalt oder Kontaktrecht geht – wir sind für Sie da. 

Spezialgebiete: Rechtsanwalt für Scheidung, Obsorge und Unterhalt

Unsere Haupttätigkeitsbereiche umfassen das österreichische und internationale Familienrecht. Wir stehen Ihnen mit unserer Expertise zur Verfügung, insbesondere in den folgenden Angelegenheiten:

Scheidung: Wir unterstützen Sie in allen Belangen im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Scheidung.

Obsorge und Kontaktrecht: Wir stehen Ihnen bei Fragen zur Obsorge und dem Kontaktrecht zur Seite, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Rechte und die Interessen Ihrer Kinder gewahrt werden.

Unterhaltsansprüche: Ob es sich um (nach)ehelichen Unterhalt oder Kindesunterhalt handelt, wir setzen Ihre Ansprüche durch und sorgen dafür, dass Sie gerecht behandelt werden.

Lebensgemeinschaftsende: Wenn Sie eine Lebensgemeinschaft beenden, sind wir hier, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Rechte geschützt werden.

Ehevertrag: Wir helfen, Sie vor einem Rosenkrieg zu bewahren.

Wir sind Ihre verlässlichen Partner und Partnerinnen und helfen Ihnen, Ihre Interessen zu vertreten, Fehler zu vermeiden und auch in komplizierten Angelegenheiten ruhig zu bleiben. Als Eltern unterstützen wir Sie dabei, das Beste für Ihre Kinder zu erreichen.

Scheidungsanwalt für Männer und Frauen – Ihre persönlichen Anwälte

Unsere Dienstleistungen sind für Männer und Frauen gleichermaßen zugänglich. Wir legen Wert auf eine einfühlsame Beratung und vertreten Ihre Rechte maßgeschneidert für Sie. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen zu helfen, die bestmögliche Lösung zu finden.

Erfahren Sie mehr und kontaktieren Sie uns

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, sich mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen. Unser erfahrenes Team steht Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Ihre Fragen zu beantworten und einen Beratungstermin zu vereinbaren. Wir sind bestrebt, Ihre Angelegenheit diskret und professionell zu behandeln.

Weitere Information zu rechtlichen Themen finden Sie auf unserem Blog oder in unseren Beiträgen im Standard.

For your tailor-made solutions, transparent account structures and realistic prospects. We offer personal support, maximum reliability and absolute discretion.

In family conflict situations, we offer competent and efficient support. Our primary goal is to achieve mutually acceptable solutions for all parties involved. However, if such solutions are not attainable, we are prepared to defend your rights, those of your children, and your well-being in court.

Family conflicts can be particularly challenging. We understand your concerns and stand by your side. As experienced divorce attorneys in Vienna, we guide you through the process and advocate for your interests. Whether it’s divorce & division after, custody, or maintenance issues or visitation rights – we are here for you.

Our services are accessible to both men and women alike. We prioritize empathetic counsel and represent your rights regardless of gender. Our aim is to help you find the best possible solution.

Your Lawyers


We love doing our job. Our clients say that we do our job very well.

Patrick and Theresa provided really excellent service on both immigration and a marriage contract…very willing to understand our objectives and give advice, while at the same time respecting that we might make some decisions that didn’t align perfectly to their advice. During the entire process they were very responsive and detail-oriented. I can highly recommend them.

(Review from Google)

Eric Kline

In short: outstanding

It is a personal concern of mine to express my sincere gratitude for Ms. Kamp’s extraordinary support. I was fortunate to have Ms. Kamp at my side during one of the most difficult chapters of my life as we went through an emotionally stressful legal battle over custody and primary residence for my daughter. Right from the start, Ms. Kamp impressed me with her deep specialist knowledge and professionalism. Her commitment to my case went far beyond the usual level. In a complex legal environment, she demonstrated not only impressive skills but also exceptional empathy. Thanks to your support, my daughter was successfully freed from a stressful environment and her suffering came to an end. The patience that Ms. Kamp showed and the excellent care she gave me made a decisive contribution to our success. I can recommend Ms. Kamp without reservation. Her professionalism and human nature make her not only the best lawyer I could have asked for, but also a remarkable person. Thank you, Ms. Kamp, for everything you have done for me and my daughter. I give it 5 stars with full confidence and recommend your services to anyone seeking first-class legal representation.

Best regards, Zelenka Christopher

(Review from Google)

Christoph Zelenka

Experienced professionals focusing on the client’s needs and satisfaction. I was working with Theresa on my amicable divorce, and she did an amazing job from day one, understanding my situation, preparing and amending the divorce proposal, interacting with my ex-husband’s lawyer, etc. She was reachable and pro-actively solving my case during the evenings, weekends, I was highly impressed by the commitment and passion she expressed toward this profession. I received all the information and options I needed in a timely manner. Regarding to the payment, the pricing was fair and very transparent, by which I was very impressed as well. As I have limited Austrian language knowledge, I was mostly relying on Theresa’s guidance, also the stress factor played a significant role in how I was dealing with my divorce, and I have to say, my lawyer guided me firmly the whole time till the day of the court – that we won basically. Everything turned out as I wanted, which has ensured not just a prosperous life for my 6 years old son, but also strengthened my trust in the Austrian legal system.

(Review from Google)

Lucia Urbancova

I would highly recommend Dr. Theresa Kamp. She is a professional, emphatic and highly talented lawyer. I could talk about anything that was worrying me and she was always available, by phone or email. She was trustworthy, efficient and had everything under control without a doubt. I will always be inexpressibly grateful that I found her and that she handled my case as my representative.

(Review from Google)

Eleanor Keisman

I am very grateful for the support and super great and competent service that I received from Dr. Kamp. In addition to her expertise in family law, I found her to be an understanding, reliable and empathetic person. Advice at eyelevel, I felt 100% understood and well represented. I can highly recommend her and Dr. Kainz.

(Review from Google)

Laura Marin

I can warmly recommend Law and Beyond. Dr. Kamp gave me extremely competent advice and I felt well represented. Due to her professional expertise and experience in family law, she was able to explain the situation to me in all its complexity and at the same time answer my questions in an easy-to-understand manner. I also felt like I was in good hands because of her efforts to act in the best interests of her clients and those involved.

(Review from Google)

Simon Amann